Danube Day in Slovenia

Children at Danube Day event
©Tatjana Kikec

Keep the Danube Blue this summer in Slovenia!

On 1 June, Sava River Day, and for the 20th anniversary of the International Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, in cooperation with the Slovenian Environment Agency, organized an event entitled Strengthening the Climate Resilience of the Sava River Basin. On this occasion, special awards were presented to those who have contributed most to the protection and management of water resources in the Sava River area. The event took place in Ljubljana on 5 June 2024.

The Association of Geography Teachers of Slovenia (DUGS), in cooperation with the Environmental Education Centre of Steiermark (UBZ - Umwelt-Bildungs-Zentrum Steiermark), organized the Mura Action Day 2024 - Aktionstag für die Mur, which took place on Monday 10 June 2024 in Radgona, Austria, at the Arena on the Mur and in the nearby city park.

The event was organized under the auspices of the Austrian-Slovenian Permanent Commission for the Mur. It aimed at cross-border networking and cooperation between Slovenian and Austrian schools in the region, with the aim of educating and raising awareness about the importance of the shared river and its common management and adaptation to climate change.

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Contact & further information

Barbara Potočnik of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning at ( barbara.potocnik@gov.si